President Ashton is attending a global war on terror summit in Spain.
Thomas Barnes and Kent Taylor are two of the Secret Service agents
assigned to protect him. This is the first action that Agent Barnes has
been in since he took a bullet for President Ashton six-month earlier.
We really dont know if Agent Barnes is up to the challenge of
protecting the President. Shortly after President Ashton is escorted to
the stage in the plaza by the Secret Service, he is immediately shot
twice by a rifle from a window and falls to the floor. The crowd is in
shock and chaos breaks out all over, especially, when bombs begin to
explode. Howard Lewis is an American video-taping the event to show to
his children that he was actually there at this historic event. He
believes that he has the picture of the man who shot the President.
Agent Barnes sees the tape and has a clue to that person. Several
different people witness the event, and only through their eyes do we
see the truth behind the assassination attempt.
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